Thursday, October 4, 2007

Marriage Proposal Poem

The words I want to say may be simple but I hope that each word will touch you and let your heart understand the deepness of my love for you.
My Love For you has grown from day to day for I miss you each time we are apart
I hold you close within my heart and when you are in my arms I cannot help but feel that I have found a compassionate soul mate.
I Know that whatever the future You need not fear it for I know with certainty that each and every day to come shall bring me to the realization that I will love you more and more my love in each and every way.
Mine is just a simple proposal from a boy to a girl
A simple wish of mine that you will be with me till the end of time
Let us weave the stitch that will colour our lives
With happiness and wonderment abound
And through it all I will surround you with care and affection
Tonight I hope to make that wish to share my life with you and yours with mine
For the future of our lives to realize the hopes Ive been holding that you will be
my dearest wife
'Will You Marry Me Min Min ? '

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