Saturday, May 24, 2008

Additional installation of UV window film

As all of you would know, we have all been getting a little bit of a hot spell these two months especially. The weather is really hot. Luckily, we still have a good cool breeze from the sea. However as the sunlight has been shifting from our bedroom and now has spread to the hall(above), we decided to add on UV window film for our windows in the hall so that there is less heat radiating into the hall, cut out the glare and also prevent heat damage to the curtains and furnishing, especially the TV. You can see the vast difference the window film makes.
So , we went back to the previous installer - East Plan 21 Pte Ltd which did the window films for our master rm, walk in and common fun room. They are based at 576 Balestier Rd. We chose a blue film with mirrored reflective properties and good UV protection. For those keen, just quote the model no : #2237. Again, they delivered good service and were prompt. The installation finishing was good. We paid $224 for delivery and installation of window film for 6 panels of windows ( Dimensions : 1.29m x 64cmx 6 panels )
You can note the difference in light transmission coming in before the film was installed(above) and after the film was installed(Below)
The effects have been effective. Glare and heat has been cut tremendously and our hall feels cooler in the afternoons.

(Above) From the outside, you can see the reflective mirrored properties of the window film which enhances privacy.


Anonymous said...

thank you for the lovely pictures of your home and the UV window film installation.

big difference.

such a modern place you have! i wish i could see more of it.

Bellingham, WA, USA

Unknown said...

Hi, is your reflective film reflective at night when the room light is on?