Saturday, May 31, 2008

Updates on Shayna(Week 1 )

It's been 4 days already and Shayna has slowly increased her confidence in walking about and responding to us when we call out her name.
We've been trying to get her to increase her appetite as she eats quite little but we are beginning to suspect that she is being fussy about food as she only eats if her dried food is soaked with milk(for dogs). Then she will be like a vacuum cleaner, finishing and slurping up. She likes to be mischevious and throw one or two crumbs outside of her bowl.

She's slowly being toilet trained, knowing how to walk to the newspaper for her wee and poo for most times.
Shayna posing with her two toys - a flavored teething ring and egg shaped kong on her favourite towel . She also loves to play with newspaper shreds.

She whimpers when we take away her towel so we guess she already sees it as her own bed, just like her toys which she whimpers when we remove for cleaning. We bought her a flavoured teething ring for her to bite. Oh Yes, she loves to play with newspaper.
Running around in the kitchen

She's been slowly exploring the hall very cautiously, choosing to walk along the hall skirting or against the sofa. She's supremely confident in the kitchen, and loves to chase us around when we walk into the kitchen.

Last night when we said goodnight to her, she waved her paws at us as if telling us to come and play with her so we ended up playing for awhile with her. Now that's really cute isn't it?
We also noticed that she likes to admire her reflection, be it at the chrome dustbin, the glossy kitchen cabinet or our reflective PD door to the common toilet. See her above looking at herself in front of the chrome dustbin.

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