Monday, April 19, 2010

Enjoying our weekend together

(Above)Appreciating each other always

Spending quality couple time is very important to us. It's just wonderful to find someone whom you can just find common things in life to enjoy together. Sometimes, we hear of couples who say that they spend the weekend apart, each doing their own things, the guy playing soccer with his buddies and the lady having high tea or shopping with her friends. While it is to each his/her own brand of happiness, we believe that the point of marriage is to do more things together and through the time together, find a common experience to bond and understand each other better.
Many couples claim that they have been together for long periods like 10 years but when one really analyzes the quality of time spent, it was spent in silence watching movies, doing their own things and the couple only meet during 1 weekend every week for 10 years. The quality of time would not be comparable to a couple who met for 6 months but everyday of that 6 months, there was engaging conversation and quality time doing things together to discuss future plans and learning about each other. Sometimes there needs to be some form of stickiness to each other. Otherwise, what's the point of marriage if it's not going to change much from what one does during dating or if it is just to get a HDB flat or to have children before 30.

(Above)At a Nail spa together

(Above) Shairng a good Japanese meal

(Above) Indulging in our fondness for cakes!

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